Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

What Are The Best Leaders Doing?

On February 23, 2009
, in
Skills and Abilities by Neculai Fantanaru

Bring your contribution to improving the quality of your leadership, by a better dosed adjustment of your attitude in favor of the change.

Recently, at a TV show on the channel "Realitatea", the special guest Cristian Tudor Popescu, one of the most famous journalists in Romania since 1989 and currently president of the Romanian Press Club, was talking about the image of Romania in the world. I didn't watch the show from the start and I also didn't have the patience to watch it until the end, but draw my attention in a special manner what the known journalist said in a certain time:

"I feel the need to give something. A bartender gives you a beer, you drink it and you are not thirsty anymore. A man gives you a paper, you read it. And me, in my turn, I feel the need to give something to other people."

Leadership: Do you demonstrate a definite awareness of the value that defines you by supporting the superior quality of an irrefutable claim that does not surprise, but still perpetuates for the benefit of life lessons?

What distinguishes great leaders from average ones? Well, first of them feel to give something to the community where they live, to make themselves useful, and that's why they get involved with all their heart in the activities they display to produce a changing. A minor or major changing. Temporary or even permanent.

Their biggest wish is to be more than some simple viewers, who take place on the stage, in a single row of chairs and who watch with fascination hours after hours the show which others sustain (those excellent actors chosen with a lot of attention and good taste), and in the end they applaud laughing and they leave.

Don't imagine that these people worthy of praise, who get involved with their body and soul in everything they do, who obtain exceptional performances in their profession, are different from the other people. No, they are normal people, but they have aspirations, thoughts and conceptions which are different about the life and their role in this world. I think the difference between people is very small, but sometimes it seems huge.

Are you taking part in the show? Or, you just watch it? A leader who focuses on educating present and future generations assumes a certain consciousness of his value by supporting the superior quality of an irrefutable affirmation that does not surprise but continues to perpetuate the benefits of life lessons that spiritually enrich those around him.

Leadership refers directly to the comparison that is made between the honor of bringing to the public the example of the service of a noble cause, in which the facts corresponding to your thoughts, states, and dominant features are used as evidence, and the benefits of a better understanding of the actions of others in the same direction as you. With the only difference that sometimes you have to "turn left" for others to see where you want to go.

Leadership: Can you determine the quality of a certain claim to be true or false, calling for a concrete illustration of a phrase like: "There is only a ramp between the scene and the public?"

Just as the theater brings a significant contribution in the development of social consciousness, so you can contribute to improve the quality of your leadership by a better dosed adjustment of your attitude in favor of changing the world for the better.

A leader appeals to the concrete illustration of a phrase like: "There is only a ramp between the scene and the public" when he wants to stimulate a certain mood that resonates with the reason for the change that it wishes so much, highlighting the duties of a key role: to transforms a society of conflicts into a society of understanding.

But just as the direct contact between the actor on stage and the masses from the performance hall confers to theatre a particular responsibility, so your contact with the cruel reality that you must counteract, confers to your leadership a high dose of obligations, which, if you do not honor them successfully, may cause side effects. In the sense that you can be cataloged as "unacceptable" if you appear disinterested towards others.

Leadership implies a responsibility and a duty of service of each one for all. An Human Resources expert, John Maxwell, very well said: "The measure of a leader is not the number of people who serve the leader, but the number of people served by the leader."

To us, the importance of helping is the fact that it serves as a passage from the stellar philosophies that are bordered by apathy (illiteracy), separate from the dominant ideas of a category of individuals that make an excellent impression, a narrow view of the quality of life, because its principles do not contain the germs of a different principle of reality. The reality is that the world is not limited to a commodity market, but to the germs of a state that is perfect.

Leadership: Do you balance the exposure and visibility of your position before changing the "surprise cost" of a peak moment that causes dependence on the credibility of an affirmation?

It is amazing how in a world stifled of indifference and coldness can still be found people trying to give something without being pushed from behind. By trying to see what is the best in others and help them as much as you can, sometimes more, sometimes less, is indeed a quite extraordinary thing. Wonderful things happen when someone hurries to express his solidarity and to contribute to the development and prosperity of the community to which he belongs.

Leadership sometimes boils down to the following questions:

  • Can you forgive what you experience out of your mistakes?
  • Can you forgive what happens to you when you attempt to create your life to your liking?
  • Are you willing to forgive what tramples over your dignity?
  • Are you willing to cast aside from your life what bothers you in the rest of the world?

Leadership is a way of making the experience of the world in which you are living a tool that adds value to humanity through a consistency of ideas and a convergence of the approaches of those with the right to shed light where things are not transparent, legal and moral.

The surprise cost of a peak moment is characterized by the possibility to determine the impact of transmitting a powerful message to present or future generations. Is the parameter of a pattern of personal motivation that must cause dependence on the credibility of that statement that is precisely the condition and principle of your moral perfection.

Are you adjusting your attitude in favor of the change? How do you bring your contribution in modeling the society? Can you evolve in your career by helping the others around you? Do you feel the need to give something? Or, you are just waiting only to receive?

Your ramp towards success is given by your attitude. Do you adopt an attitude of indifference and superficiality to the world around you? Or, an attitude of gratitude and solidarity?

A lasting lifelong lesson is like the formulation of a truth that you have mastered over time: it conforms to reasons of reflection and reasoning, but cannot prove to be superior if it does not change the face of the world.

The best leaders make it so that a personal statement becomes a way forward for present and future generations.


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