Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

What Is Leadership

On April 16, 2009
, in
Leadership eX-Elite by Neculai Fantanaru

Never dare to support the transition of power from a single-pole to a multi-polar configuration, without disregarding the wisdom and character of the measure that unity of “All That Is” gives.

I sometimes hear talk about secret societies, about the masonic degrees of the enlightened, as if from a clairvoyant episode known for conspiracy theory. Suspicious individuals (some at the top of the pyramid of society) boasting the privilege of being part of all kinds of undercover organizations, educated in Jesuit -led schools, such as the Order of the Illuminati, Mystery Babylon, the Illuminati of Bavaria, the Order of 7 , individuals who called themselves the “Perfectibles” due to the exploitative and interventionist function of their thinking.

You need a lot of patience to reinforce the meaning of their thinking, which inspires no idea of the ideal, no motivation to the humanity of science, to the propagation of culture. We find in their case only expressions full of hidden spirit words in the form of a tangled language, with many symbols and meanings, because “as above, so below”. Interesting figure of speech for those who really understood what she is referring to (and for that you have to be a writer).

But the universe doesn’t care much about secret organizations. God exists, certainly, and He rules everything in this world by the force of supramolecular molecules and structures, ions, atoms, photons, and so on. There is enough of a single “impulse” that comes from who knows where, for man (big or small) to change his plans categorically. Other times you need a trigger for total change, so that the world does not forget that it is so fragile in front of the divine fire metaphorically expressed by dueling with a dragon with countless heads and faces.

And if we have entered into a game of ambiguities, it is worth mentioning here the words of the Romanian writer Cornel A. Ailincăi: “We should remember that any territory, however vast and however free in the open, has within its limitlessness a hidden rhythm, a cosmic norm of ordering that puts the game of its infinite forms in the dependence of structures and functions understood only by the Great Creator, never by ordinary mortals.”

Leadership: Is the strength of your virtues measured in the ability to watch over every aspect of spiritual life, in assessing the likelihood of undergoing a greater reversal of situations that do not give you stronger reasons to nurture the memory of past times?

I was reading somewhere that before the Second World War, the Russians came into possession of a secret material in which a new world order was envisaged, or the taking over of the world by who knows what secret grouping. And the tough guys decided to invade Germany.

The most inconvenient problem was Adolf Hitler, the element invisible to the leading minds in the shadow. When the universe sends someone, good or bad, this individual messes up all the plans of the world. A real catastrophe, an epidemic, a tsunami, an earthquake, a fatality of divine punishment, an unforeseen asteroid miraculously fallen from the sky (though there was a similar case once in the middle ages). Many would not have wished for such a nightmare in a game of prolonged agonies, torments and hallucinations, but always the Moving Heaven Victory must be well understood, categorically and without the right of appeal, by all ordinary mortals.

Russia was stopped at that time from an attempt to invade Germany (and was saved only by weather conditions from Hitler’s subsequent invasion, see Operation Barbarossa), and France surrendered almost overnight to Nazi Germany and Italy. The French cried with bitter tears, poor souls, as the German armies marched through Paris.

Leadership: In the turmoil of the events you experience with intensity, can you distinguish a longing for past sacramental blessings, but also an isolation from the care of God that you chose to ignore?

And what did secret societies and Freemasonry across Europe do in the midst of these changes in the plan of the universe? They were destroyed, all with their secrets, all with symbols, all with riches ! There was no trace of enlightenment left in Europe.

They all ran away like cowards, wherever they could, far from the horrors of war. Most of the survivors fled to America, not Russia, because the Russians did not tolerate these rare intelligences. People of the “Super-Intellectualism” species always seem to be very knowledgeable when it comes to drawing up plans for the world order, but they never show any courage when confronted with a symbol of Divine Wrath. Who would have the courage?

As a conclusion, and a personal opinion. Men with their heads on their shoulders, please leave the mystical badges and affiliations in secret groups, because at the first sign of the universe you will all run away like ants in the path of fire, you will not know where to scramble. Just one asteroid dropped miraculously from the sky, just to your right, and you’ll immediately realize how small and insignificant you are in front of the universe. Learn the lessons of history and make sure that events do not have to be presented in an order reversed by Someone or Something much stronger than we mortals !

The best leaders apply themselves and do something useful for the Planet, they are defenders of the humanity of science, not defenders of plans devoid of spiritual brilliance !

Leadership is the divine sign that we must take into account when events seem to not happen in the order we want, in relation to the power of impressions and emotions that the contrast between what was and what is Job – between his condition in times of prosperity and the one to which he had been brought by suffering.


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