Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

Who Wants To Live Forever (I)

On October 25, 2015
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

Experience yourself as a sum of the possibilities of grasping the infinite, defining yourself as a being that knows everything.

It seemed to me that something was eluding me as a diffuse memory of those yet unknown, in the face of those considered battlefields in times that multiply and split, visible only to the spiritual eye. Myself existing only in an interminable spin of the flow of energy dispersed in the universe in different moments of "state". I was a strange world made up of a horizon become the universal law of a reversed causality, one which eliminated the possibility of a logical, constructive answer.

Basically, it was not only of a continuous exchange of visions and representations of the world arranged in a particular way: "Forever is our today", but of my identity brought to a level that could not be counterfeited with appearances and interventional maneuvers. By a hardening in immortality, in other forms of matter, converging in a high stability pole.

Intensely, emerged from a meditation full of anxiety, Mefisto warns me: "Not even in eons will the trace of your earthly stay disappear."

The great knower of unknowns, opposed and yet convergent to the Universe he mirrors in himself so admirably with the precision of a superpower placed far away from human consciousness, even able to overcome gravity and bounce into the height of a different kind of living other than the biological, of a living distilled and cleansed by a certain atmospheric pressure, this spending transformer of time takes on the duties emerged through the influence of two categories of factors. Namely: the increase of scientific complexity and the improvement of flexibility as a force of dynamism in interaction with a "Beyond reason."

The exile of the real world aspires, with pain, with delight, with rebellion, to a different type of grandeur, that of things that resisted the passage of time. And which remained just as beautiful. In fairness, with a certain probability to disappear. "What is this thing that builds our dreams, yet slips away from us?"

Leadership: Can you discover the deep meanings of an act of absolute knowledge, contributing to the acquisition of an identity that contains the "Forever" variable?

"Hence forth…" are the words on which focuses a man of the future, trying to discover the tangle meanings of a search aimed at the unknown and unseen. He can be identified with a singular ID that happens to be valid for all versions of assumptions concerning the probability of finding new landmarks of orientation, or rather, landmarks of connection between two worlds. One accessible and one inaccessible, one of reality and the other of the surreal.

You will never be able to experience that fulfillment of conquering perfection, directed towards the possibility of moving from one place to another with the power of the mind, so as to be able to face the creative challenges you need to surpass yourself, if you do not manage to integrate yourself in a new pattern of development – that of the man who wants himself defined as a being that knows everything.

Without a minimal precondition for the symbolic key of an artistic work that evokes images from a world seen as a distorted lens of an illusionist and without the transcendental dowry of the notion of the universe seen as the space of a mechanical game in which the Ego always bears the mask of the played, it is not possible to elaborate a symbolic theme stylistically focused on the staging of an excellent story show.

An artist can be defined as "a being who knows everything" only if he manages to express a privileged communication between what is considered to be revealed in an alternative reality and what is considered to be "facts" behind a fictional life scenario.

Leadership, measured in the dimension of the rationality that overcomes the apparent limits of the impossible, shaping the form of the idea of limitless knowledge, always interpretable in the deep meanings of an individual creation appearing as a whole of the new world, presents the advantage that you need to understand yourself from another’s point of view.

That of a person defined in the light of an identity that contains a single variable: "Forever", vulnerable from the point of view of the concrete in the face of the addiction to connect deeper to a multidimensional self – which is identified and established through the image of a traveler, projecting himself in the past, future, or into another being. Forever does not represent the experience of man beyond death, but rather the orientation of knowledge towards a more advanced development.

An identity that contains the "Forever" variable, based on the inexhaustible freedom of interpreting reality from a subjectively assumed position, is represented by the effort of integrating a writer into a space-time context in which the mystery is built from bizarre associations that propose an aesthetic based on innovative concepts of superiority.

Who Wants To Live Forever is the testimony of an unknowable which becomes the ideal of accomplishing a lasting scientific development. Someone once said that science is a sort of ideal mirror, in which can be read, at every moment, the reasons of man’s future activity. But does this creative, imaginative, progressive activity not have as a main function, in conformity with a privileged status of association with assumptions tied to reality, that of detecting a new beginning of future perspectives, which are apparently impossible?

* Note: Queen - Who Wants To Live Forever

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