Try to paint a vivid picture of what you represented in this life, taking responsibility for your own growth and development beyond your own "home sphere".
Reading the following excerpt from the book "Egyptologist" by Arthur Phillips, I understood why it is important to reflect on the path I must follow in life in order to have a safe and prosperous future. It is about an Egyptian king, Atum-Hadu.
You pity him when you think of him as a child, how he would tell himself stories to fall asleep, how he would create his dream about a heavenly father. Atum-hadu's analysis obviously benefits from modern sociology: in these horrific modern cases you hear about now, research reveals that there is a typical critical moment. Namely, the age at which the child first realizes his pitiful situation, finally understands his relationship with his mother, for example, and thus with the whole world. This moment is too easily immersed in retrospective pathos, like the one I fell victim to right now, but in reality you shouldn't feel sorry for these children.
On the contrary, you have to see the beautiful and heroic aspects: an eight-year-old boy bursts into his dilapidated house for the last time (for there must have been a last time, whether he knew it at the time or not) and shouts at the top of his mouth proud of who he knows what an achievement, still expecting (due to the sediments of his childish love instincts) to receive praise from the mistress of the house. He shouted, proud that he had learned to do one or the other, something academic or athletic. And she receives, as a symbol of her definitive indifference to him, either a box, or a spicy swear word, marinated in alcohol, or simply a slimy silence, while the new stepsisters whimper and walk around the room. . As if such a moment, in the blooming mind of the child, is necessarily tragic !
Leadership: Can the image you associate your personality with warn you of what you have symbolized in this existence, considering that never-ending priority of self-formation?
Never mind: why assume that such a moment represents a door closing, and not the equally creaky sound of a door opening? How can the untrained ear tell them apart? Close your eyes and if, after that gnashing of teeth, you feel a breeze of understanding or chance, then you know. As Atum-hadu apparently knew. Something had opened up for him, something he chose to remember as a nocturnal visit from Seth. Modern sociology says that the meaning of this moment is understood by smart children and that their adaptation to it cannot be called anything other than a second birth: a birth to total independence, free from any ties to illusion, free from any illusion of ties. A birth in which the child becomes both his parents. He himself, alone will build from now on.
There can be no doubt what went through the great king's mind when he chose the name by which the world later knew him: the greatest act of creation, his own creation, would now begin. And, of course, only after this excruciating second birth can you dare, at least aspire to the third birth, which eludes most people, even self-made ones (let there be no doubt about the monstrous probabilities that are at stake here). The third birth is that of immortality, where, after a productive life guided only by your self-parenting instincts, your name is remembered and loved forever, in the world beyond or simply in glorious glory.
Leadership: Does the impact others have had on you say everything about what you have embodied in this life path, but at the same time make you more vulnerable to perceptions of an ideal image?
But if you are unable to find your way out of your childish delusions, if you continue to grope, relying on a mother's love, on the firm interest of a priest or a teacher or a lover or an officer, on the generous care of the rich for the poor, on the agreeable company and loyalty of good-time friends, then you are condemned to a life of childhood. You will not reach maturity and you will not have any chance to make any achievement worthy of permanent attention.
All this makes Atum-hadu a model worthy of study. Because if one thing is clear from Quatrain 80 (only in Fragment C), it is how faithfully the king's life illustrates the principles we have just outlined: The mother's heart closes to her child, from now on she is built. There is no priceless gift she can give, though she weeps and wails, As we weep on our death-bed like a defiled virgin. But when the door of our grave is closed, only then does the soul win.
Leadership: Can you develop as a leader through a strong and balanced temperament, so that you can draw on your inner resources to bring a more inspired, caring and motivating energy to your work?
Leadership is an evolution towards the stage of adaptation to the profession, but it begins with the transition from adolescence to adulthood, this representing a phase of development that is longer and more complex than it seems at first glance, and only parents can facilitate it. It is about a very thin leadership, which aims to develop the feeling of belonging to a "family", in order to obtain unanimous support.
And the transition from a child to a mature man is specified in leadership by giving itself a separate content, an imperishable law: "what I have become is the fruit of what I was". This content isolates the entire spiritual life of man in a perimeter where the frail man becomes aware of his inner strength, of the reality in which he lives, as his personality becomes not only inspired, caring and motivating energy, but even a way of forming , as a kind of guide who shows him the way and, at the same time, a trainer who develops his qualities in time for the collective good.
What invites to overcome the endless transition from child to adult, because in leadership the spirit is the guide and the guide is often represented by the mother's influence, a fact that allows to avoid any attack on the notion of "family", is the very way of contribute to your change through an authentic expression of realistic values and beliefs that have helped you overcome difficult situations in life.
You have to leave the stage of influence due to your mother, and start living autonomously, relying on your own resources, if you want to rise to another level in your life. Does this reflect your efforts of self-discovery and maturation? If you realize this necessity, only then will you be able to get out of any dispute about your position in society, and you will start to respect yourself, feel more balanced, more secure, and even feel unstoppable on your way to success.
Separation from "mother" influence, and the process of individuation must be indicators of your desire to become a leader capable of assuming and facing his vulnerability, one who uses his physical, emotional and intellectual energy to bring greater inspiration. strong, greater concern and greater motivation in the manifestation of one's will, especially in the direction of achieving the proposed objectives.
Maturity is the process by which the "helpless" child gradually becomes a self-aware person, referring to the fact that he begins to recognize his autonomy, aspires to overcome himself, being able to manifest (and amplify through training) his ability to model visions. But the influence of "mother" allows him to bring a more inspiring, caring and motivating energy to his work.
* Notă: Arthur, Phillips - Egiptologul (Editura polirom, 2006)