Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

Harmonious Dance Of Influence

On June 29, 2011
, in
Successful Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

Reveal to people the essence of what you really are, to open their way to harmonize with you in emotions and thinking.

In the article "Mysterious doctor" I related you about the competent doctor Jacques Mérey and about the poor child, Eva, that suffered from idiocy from her birth. Nobody gave this human being any chance of recovering, whose mental abilities were very low. However, because of Jacques's aptitude to enter the "locked land" of her existence and to snatch all inner damages, in the result she is getting well.

This formidable doctor, endowed with an extraordinary ability to understand human nature, manages through a proper therapy to gradually shape Eve, to eliminate the resistance that her mind opposed it, to strengthen her weak spirit and eliminating all fears. He succeeds to enrich her feelings in a favorable medium, to guide her thinking through that chaos that she was struggling to survive by creating to her a certain personality, a certain way to react and behave, so that to be consistent with the expectations of all.

Leadership: Does the completion of your "creation" bear the meanings of an overwhelming sentiment stemming from feeling the presence of a Higher Self that unleashes the hidden meanings of your own path in life?

The doctor's success was mainly due to his constant effort to redirect to the girl all internal resources, all energy, all her mental and emotional capacities to the outside. Eva had to be coordinated for consistency in thought, in decisions in expression and communication, and this could not be achieved only through careful and dedicated collaboration between them.

Indeed, Jacques Mérey gave proof of a genuine leadership, which should not be questioned; a leadership based on the power of example, by strengthening interpersonal relations and perseverance. In order to bring little Eva to a state of normality, he looked specifically for her senses, he was able to sneak in the world of thoughts that she could not control or hold in, to put in order and to develop them continuously.

And, in her turn, Eve has connected to the doctor's feelings and emotions. She felt his affection, she felt that somebody wants her well. And therefore, she opened her soul in front of him. Basically, Jacques Mérey has revealed to her the essence of what he really was - a man of great spiritual nobility, whose kindness knew no limits - and thus opening the way to harmonize with him in emotions and thinking. The more you are connected to people, the more they will feel freer to express emotions.

Affection, through the very act of creation that implies that a suitable end to be achieved offers man the possibility of free will, as one that makes him unique: to hear the call of the Soul, of the Spirit of awakening to true Life. In other words, affection is the answer to what we perceive beyond the relational, material, palpable appearances of life, from which I will reproduce the essence: we are obliged not to forget what we have been and what we have learned to be.

Leadership: Does the meaning of your existence place the "lost man" in relation to a form of adoration and gratitude towards a limitless power, on the path of an experience that brings together the curiosity and the desire to try something new?

Is the sense of your existence that of giving everyone the courage to discover their potential, regardless of the circumstances that have implications on the degree to which a person is valued / accepted in society?

A leader’s duties are used so that the whole ascendant ladder of attitudes, from errors to contradictions, from pain to the comfort given by the conscience of his own value, offering the opportunity to reflect on the consequences of entering in the inability of making himself understood, or how to feel "alive" through others.

Can you create new models of leadership by applying a set of commands on an emotional level? By applying a set of commands on an emotional level, the leader easier and further orients his influence on individuals, thus seeking to answer the call to unconditionally and specifically manifest his empathy, compassion and generosity.

In the future, the art of redirecting your most valuable resources, your inner strength and motivation to think positively especially towards those individuals who have not made a "living space" (always unable to adapt to the new development requirements) is used not only in the form of appreciation, but especially for the report of identity and otherness.

To communicate certain ideas, emotions, feelings and beliefs in an accessible way to all, the meanings of leadership must be diligently sought in a deeper layer, limited by that insensitive knowledge exploration, allowing a certain stability of resonance frequencies around human probability to manifest through consciousness.

"The living" contained in your concrete way of manifestation, along with your position, personal situation and option, is the fulfillment of man’s call to express unconditionally and at the same time determined, empathy, compassion, and generosity.

The leader of the future will seek to contribute to the creation of a new identity to the point where people’s receptiveness to his influence is maximized (the point where it becomes extraordinarily alert to changes in their particular sphere of life), but without straining too much the strings of their being towards canceling their identity. The identity should be preserved or enhanced, but never altered.

As a leader, you’re on stimulating people’s behavior and responsiveness that you experience from all those who understand the essence of your endeavors. When people who do not perform or are "limited by barriers of life" reach a state of normality due to your influence, then new patterns, structures or leadership configurations begin to form.

Leadership: Constantly increase your number of "white balls" to achieve full mutual understanding !

Reveal to people the true nature of your character, give them the opportunity to improve the image of you with warm and optimistic feelings that you emit. Shape yourself after the ideal that they carry in their soul, get up to the height of their expectations by offering them the opportunity to reflect on your personality, on your own beliefs, thoughts and feelings. However, for this you must penetrate into their real nature, in their inner world, to sneak into their world of thoughts and to capture them with excitement and joy.

Just as a painting whose tones dominated by yellow, orange and red gives a feeling of warmth - so your personality and character, if they are dominated by some nice features and well-defined, will release that warmth that will attract people to you. You have to constantly raise the number of "white balls" for them to accept you into their souls, giving them the opportunity, at the same time to learn about your true inner nature.

White balls are created by that unique combination of inner power to know that you can build from small people – people with high moral values, and that dimension of the mission that you yourself discover through the experiences you face.

Harmonious dance of influence

The influence is similar in some respects with a dance, in which a person takes the lead, and the other one follows him. It is a dance in which the attention and care for your partner are very important. It is a dance that seek and develop networking skills between people, and which is also controlled, but intense.

To make the plunge towards a full understanding you must become the "partner" that people can rely on him that would lead their emotions, ideals, thoughts, actions on the rhythm of their own steps - on the rhythm of their own sound and fair judgments. You must strengthen the spirit of the people through "movements" well-coordinated, full of harmony, rhythm, energy and highly expressive, restoring to them their fullness of life and their inner dynamism.

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