Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

In Search Of The Miraculous

On November 03, 2010
, in
Skills and Abilities by Neculai Fantanaru

A leader can't impose himself only by his intellectual superiority, but by providing the brilliant proof of his virtues of great artist.

I really hoped I would become a consummate artist. Deep inside, my heart filled with hopes, thirsting for novelty, originality and innovation, I felt I was able to build a career and do more than other aspirants for the title "The Greatest artist of all time" did. It was the only thing that mattered to me. But I had a hunch that things wouldn't please me.

One day, I sat beside my master, close enough to see him work, but far enough not to disturb him, because nothing should distract him. However, while watching him without losing him from my sight, trying to assimilate as more as possible of his pictorial tricks, I impatiently asked him:

- Will I ever be able to succeed in imposing a new ideal of beauty in my work, as you did, and get famous one day?

The master, who always talked with enthusiasm about the art he served to, answered me with his untroubled peace:

- Nicu, you must be fully mature in order to undertake something great. And then you must provide the brilliant proof of your virtues of great artist.

Leadership: Can the meaning attributed to the creation you represent become an overview of what the "EXPRESSION" type of impact means?

A leader transposes his traits of a great artist into the work he creates !

In leadership, skill and personal experience are a preponderant criteria. To lead means to focus on your own point of view, but also taking into account other people's point of view. Means to learn how to put your talent to good use, astonishing those around with your special qualities, pointed out through the leadership you create and practice.

Any fact perceived by reference to the artistic traits observed in someone else becomes a possible transparency, a reality by which you enter into another reality, in a realm of infinite analogies and associations. The liveliness with which the master continues to share thoughts, memories, impressions, experiences, desires, questions, and answers, come to transpose me into a beauty-filled universe.

Just as my master's ability and flexibility never cease to amaze me, even after so many years spent with him - so your leadership must be consistent, coherent, flexible, so that people always leave themselves trapped in your power to spell. To leave themselves trapped I'm not going to say by curiosity, but rather by the well articulated interest you inspire to achieving a quality "work".

Expressiveness is a form of art presentation that contains artistic images and figures of speech by which you forcefully convey the ideas and feelings that other people are enlivened by. It is latent in the incipient stage of creation and can be deduced through the perspective of the experience with which you fulfill your emotions with reflections referring to the impact the final image can produce (resulting from certain situational contexts).

Leadership: Do you try to undress the shirt of the perceptible concrete in search of something deeper, vaster, that speaks beyond the ineffable, when you come face to face with the abundance of compositional elements?

You will more easily identify the feelings and thoughts of an artist if you manage to identify the essential compositional elements in the interpretation of a work of art, with the help of artistic means (including figures of speech).

It is worthwhile to remember the words of Romanian writer Cornel Ailincăi: "Everything, no matter how humble or insignificant, in its precarious appearance, conceals an alterity. Following that, each sensible trait, each shape, color, brilliance, texture, materiality, each shade or partial alteration of these traits can become a place – a crack in its material opacity – through which we penetrate beyond, into a realm of infinite associations."

Art has its secrets, it’s all about knowing them. For an artist’s art to get a boost, he must not be content with making simple and graceful paintings. His technique can achieve a high degree of perfection only if he translates himself into the work he performs.

A great artist allows for a victory of the compositional elements, that nobility of the masterfully executed finish of emotion "essences" with the help of associations between the reference objectives and contents, between life experiences and artistic variables.

Are you accepted for your creative attributes in an equation that includes all the elements necessary to achieve a movement of search and initiation into something not yet known in the world of art?

Like an artist, seeking to satisfy his innate aesthetic sense, turns all his qualities into a quality work - so the leader, enlightened by hope and faith, based on his reason and possibilities, must apply his creative qualities in his work.

Certainly, the leader has dreams for his future. Reason and ambition can push him forward, but without some chosen attributes, able to meet a number of qualities valued by people - such as vision and intuition, dedication and emotional strength, he will not be able to impose his own model of leadership.

A leader can't impose himself only by his intellectual superiority, but by providing the brilliant proof of his qualities of great artist. And to be a great artist means to let yourself get carried away towards ideas that lie beyond what the ordinary intellect can grasp.

The greatness that an artist must demonstrate reflects the liveliness with which he continues to look at a colorful masterpiece as if it were the embodiment of determination and significant hopes in a new world that does not attempt to unify and control aspirations of intellectual or spiritual nature.

In Search Of The Miraculous starts every individual who aspires to high ideals, namely to achieve the title of "The Greatest artist of all time" . What certainly encourage this evolution are his intellectual, moral and emotional qualities, which reflect in the quality of his activity, with which he effectively achieves his own work. They indicate his certain possibilities of success.

In search of the miraculous, it is necessary to struggle hard in order to improve and self-improve, in such a way that your "work" be the brilliant proof of your qualities of great artist of leadership.


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