Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

Man's Entrapment In The Arid Space Of The Unperceivable

On January 05, 2014
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Leadership Expert by Neculai Fantanaru

Open the path towards new knowledge conquests, so that you can see beyond the limits of what you are.

The great titans of superior-innovative thinking, such as H.G. Wells or Jules Verne have often played with the mystery that exceeded any knowledge, the inexpressible . Using that amalgamation of imagination, that allowed them to place themselves in an indeterminate place and time, they could identify the laws of those depths that exceeded the limits of understanding accepted by most people.

I felt that it was my turn to understand those laws by intensifying the only highly elevated source of energy that couldn't be destroyed by nobody and nothing: imagination. By invoking some core artistic qualities at the crossroads of questions about the purpose of my existence and my being in the world, it was the chromatic contrast of tensions, prejudices, unmistakable forces of adhesion to a new form of art, plausible by the motifs cut out, a noir movie, but best expressing the inner conflict with the self revealed from the past. The greater the discomfort I felt.

The experiments of scientists exposed by the two writers in their works, were meant to make the process of invisibility reversible. But the secret formula always leaves room for interpretation, it doesn't indicate any procurement and usage methods, it didn't fit into any doctrine, proving itself more like a quick stage of transition towards a superior dimension. A useful stage, necessary to any person who cherishes and supports progress, even with the risk of their withdrawal or exclusion from society.

Who wanted to understand and apply the formula had to see beyond any limitation.

Leadership: Do you gain the indisputable right to self-fulfillment following the criteria of a reality model to which you relate by separating yourself from everything that is common to your world?

How can I completely incorporate invisibility in time? Do I have to perceive it, first of all, as a future destination? Or maybe as a learning and exploitation source of innovative experiences?

And yet, I was struggling with a different question. This decoding of the invisible, manifesting internally, the transformation of the obscure into a recognizable entity, even if it encourages individual scientific research and, through this, the development of thinking, doesn’t it mean it’s an acquired right, not an undeserved one?

Setting a priority for one’s investigations over the invisibility formula can prove itself compromising, putting me in a dishonorable position.

I felt captive in the arid space of the unperceivable, associated with the passage of time that made me want to stop researching, forcing me to stay for as long as possible in the shadow of mediocre walls, as a simple, useless and aimless passer-by through life. One who doesn’t know how to fight, who doesn’t live the great adventure of knowledge, who can’t free himself from the absurd, who doesn’t search for answers and never finds out the truth.

Didn’t that alchemist who hid his name say that the majority of people are just products of some failed scientific experiments and that only the chosen ones are called forth to discover the mysteries of God and the path to the Kingdom of Heaven?

Leadership: How can you use science, in order to improve your perception of a parallel reality?

Breaking the patterns and the freedom to create shouldn’t be regarded as something unnatural, but as an unquestionable right to the act of overachievement and accomplishment, as a game filled with impossible, but valuable missions that you aren’t forced to play until the end. But that you must experience, if you want to understand who you truly are and what your meaning as human being is.

Leadership is subject to the risk of strong depreciation, if the contradictions of the transaction towards a new development stage are intensified, if the perception and representation limits of science, exclusively inferior grounds situations, shouting "I can’t ! ", are fully approved by your defining characteristics.

The development standards you set can be recognized in the way you treat objectives and investigation requests on a long term, imposed by your own Ego as an attempt to find the way out of your actual blind alley of mediocrity. They show how you can use science in order to improve your perceptions regarding a reality that you didn’t have the opportunity to live to its fullest. But in order to better understand the "lack" phenomenon and its major implications on building the personality, with a harmful effect on maximum interest elements that can shape your future.

Who doesn’t settle for less – at the beginning of the journey to knowledge above any understanding – has to look for other exits to something else, to an unknown that in the end identifies with a debut, through scientific contributions to the great race with one’s self.

Only by understanding the vibrations of the "unperceivable", using this amalgamation of imagination that allows you to place yourself in a more extended area of knowledge, makes it impossible to find the secret formula that contains huge percentages of possibilities on how to interpret things and the world, which you overlooked before.

Leadership: Can you build new performance roads with the elements of a science that you don’t believe in all the way?

The constitutive elements of leadership, which reflect a solid knowledge of active innovation factors, can be identified only in the harmony of results, or in the elegance of a suite of operations within the research process, being able to apply them based on the operative structure of your thinking. Are you looking for some exciting challenges to stimulate your appetite for research?

Identifying these laws of the "abysses", which go over the limits of understanding as accepted by most people, is the first sign you have reached further than you thought, at a high level of development, as a solitary entity, not as a follow up to work, knowledge and cooperation experiences with others.

This means you managed to build new performance roads with the elements of a science that you alone have credited until the end with ideas, resources and unlimited expectations, and that you didn’t abandon them during the maturity and aptitudes selection processes. All your relevant aptitudes and qualifications were acquired from work experience and strictly applied on the rough field of science.

Who descends and climbs back, along the underground tunnels of science, knows they are starting an adventure with exquisite details. In the meaning of an alliance with the horizons and premises of knowledge, such a man bears within himself the hope to meet, in long forgotten galleries, the secret meanings of self-improvement.

Authentic personal transformation is the way of self-denial by the imagination that you are making a different reality, in which you integrate as a remarkable type by being able to communicate your thoughts under the most diverse forms of expression, to rethink your ideas by going from one state of mind to another, covering your own law of operation with many meanings.

Man’s Entrapment In The Arid Space of The Unperceivable represents that stagnation around mediocrity, the isolation within the limits of a superficial and partial knowledge of human characteristics that can no longer serve as an essential base for leadership.

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