They had just reached the top of the hill Villejuif, from where Paris appears like a somber sea tossing its millions of phosphoric waves into light. The count stood alone, and at a sign from his hand, the carriage went on for a short distance. With folded arms, he gazed for some time upon the great city. When he had fixed his piercing look on this modern Babylon, which equally engages the contemplation of the religious enthusiast, the materialist, and the scoffer:
-Great city, murmured he, inclining his head, and joining his hands as if in prayer. I believe that the Spirit of God led my steps to thee and that he also enables me to quit thee in triumph; the secret cause of my presence within my walls I have confided alone to him who only has had the power to read my heart. God only knows that. I retire from thee without pride or hatred, but not without many regrets; he only knows that the power confided to me has never been made subservient to my personal good or to any useless cause. Oh, great city, it is in thy palpitating bosom that I have found that which I sought; like a patient miner, I have dug deep into thy very entrails to root out evil thence. Now my work is accomplished, my mission is terminated, now thou canst never afford me pain nor pleasure. Adieu Paris, adieu !
His look wandered over the vast plain like that of some genius of the night; he passed his hand over his brow, got into the carriage, the door was closed on him, and the vehicle quickly disappeared down the other side of the height in a whirlwind of noise and dust.
There is within the convention between the moral views and self-realization, to the extent in which the man evades the deceitful collapse that may affect in depth the foundation of his destiny, a close relationship between regret, lessons and oblivion. This relationship that is developing specifically at a certain time to a certain cause shakes from the very foundations that landmark of "ahead" , revealing the man the certainty to be situated right towards broadening the horizon of life, without departing of his mission.
Before setting the basis for your assessment of your position of power, you must relate to a certain level of representativeness in terms of fulfilling a role of great importance in the evolution of your dimension of an "entity of spiritual nature". This is controlled by a larger separate entity that lives its own life, independent and separate from the lives of various individuals.
Within the "height" you have to achieve, meaning the maximum of power and virtues you can reach in a limited life, making you forget the past and painful memories, you are compelled to act on your own in the name of a noble ideal, in the name of that "what should I be"?
You begin contributing to reaching that height by learning to take into account what exists within you by relating to what has happened to you, in a eulogy brought to the art of changing into a gigantic triumph of Good that, even if through absurdity, cannot be defeated. This good is reconstituted from what truly hurt you, accepting the situation of not resisting the blows of fate, as in a love you regret, but in this manner preparing the stage for a different choice, for a later "explosion" that will guarantee you a maximum, slightly fatalist impact.
The landmark by which itself dictates you what you have to do is a revelation of the spiritual nature that places you on God’s side. As somebody else said on the internet, God’s greatest gift, the creation in His image and likeness, that is, the subjectivity of man in the personal "I", places man in analogy with the Being of God.
And only taking into account that peculiarity of conscience carrying the torch of a reporting obligation in a broader context, putting in work your power of penetration of "Evil" and "Good" without clinging to preconceptions, you'll be able to reach at the quality of thought to perceive the greatness that does not just exist in God's creation, but also to grow in His plan.
As regards leadership, we can distinguish two criteria by which we can judge it: the degree of importance of the leader, that is amplifying his own echo so as to bear fruit as long as possible, likely to generate fortuitously certain inconvenience that it may cause some not grant the recommendation "Very Good". And the degree of benevolence or "necessary evil", namely the extent he is able to contribute to the development of other individuals – to the cancellation of their shallowness in thinking and feeling, and placing them on a path of non-collision with true values.
Are you the truth or not, as you follow that landmark by which he himself dictates you what you have to do. This landmark, welcomed, deserved and equitable, even if it requires a critical remark, it is represented by what you transmit, by who you are, by what you believe about God, about the purpose of your Life and about your Soul.
When a great actor forgets his role, the whole piece falls. Leadership requires as its fundamental law of his own exigencies a clear recognition of the distinction between mission and role to help restore the clarity of "brightness" of the ordinary individual – of the possibility to be generous, capable of lofty sentiments - even at the cost of his abandonment.
Departing from someone or something is a necessary experience for a good wave propagation called "Forgiveness" even if it is painful for both sides.
On The Other Side of The Height is the man who has passed through all stages of development to reach a higher status, but who is forced to abandon the midst, the factor by which he was formed so as to emerge from a new test called "remorse".
* Note: Alexandre Dumas - Count of Monte Cristo, Youth Publishing House, 1957.