Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader


On December 17, 2008
, in
Qualities of A Leader by Neculai Fantanaru

Permanently assess your potential depending on the nature of duties you have and by the consequences that you must assume.

When a man reaches a very high position inevitably gets caught in the crossroads of several responsibilities, obligations and pressures, and in case of a failure it is the first to give an account that has not prevented the appearance of it. Always a leader must take full responsibility for any decision and action he takes, for the way he does his duty, for the results he obtains, for any problems and any mistakes.

Leadership: Do you perceive yourself as a nucleus of the set of interactions between your representative profile and the version of an operating error when you continue to evolve to your greatest potential?

Imagine for a moment that you are the captain of a cruise ship and you find yourself in a sea voyage. You're on deck and admire the view. It is quiet - a nice quiet, full of intimacy. And suddenly, in the silence you hear this noise, caused by collision with an iceberg. You feel like everything is shaking around you and you barely manage to catch the railing. All passengers are hustling, trampling to find a lifeline or to occupy a place in one of the lifeboats. As you have no time to lose, you order them to descend all the other sailors and boats to help all passengers to board.

But you're the last to leave ship. And you know that most of your debt is to make absolutely sure that all passengers are safe. Therefore, we need to hurry to check each car part to convince you that there are no somehow misled or injured passengers. You are sure that the ship could sink at any moment and that you could not escape alive, however you assume the risk. You got no choice. You know very well that if one passenger dies, only you are guilty of this tragedy. You and only you are solely responsible for what happens to the crew that you had been chosen to lead.

Leaders do not ever give back to the difficulties, yet more, they say that it is precisely in these difficult moments they act with more interest. They know what to do in emergency situations, know what risks are exposed, but intervene promptly and effectively when it comes to human lives. You're one of them?

Leadership: Does taking control imply accepting the idea that what you are and what you can become is the result of accepting a reality that you can come face to face to but cannot escape from?

You choose to be: Captain or passenger?

It is always fascinating to hear telling about a man that, although it is placed in an extremely complicated situation, he is acting with very much aplomb and confidence to deal it. Such a man finds enough energy when it comes to show interest in someone who needed it. Furthermore, his positive attitude passes on to others the courage to act in the same spirit with him to solve problems. He is captain, the only able to move things, the only one who knows the best what to do in emergency situations and who seek to better meet the obligations posed by its major role, and the only one who has the moral strength to assume the responsibility in case of disaster.

On the other hand, being a passenger is much easier. Why? For that passengers must not assume any responsibility. In fact, their only concern is to have more fun with friends, while the captain shall ensure every moment, with a keen eye on their safety. Furthermore, the passengers are not obliged to take quick and difficult decisions, are not forced to stay awake each night, are not obliged to assume responsibility for any failure to fulfill their duties.

Leadership: Is the ability to evaluate yourself in a rescuer’s image directly or inversely proportional to how you prepare yourself to remove the momentum you have from various events?

Why does not anyone become the captain of a ship? Because not everyone has the courage to take responsibility in front of a possible failure. Because not everyone is able to face out the arduous tasks accrue to them. Because not everyone has the leadership skill. The lack of accountability is the reality that many refuse to see it.

Perhaps you have developed suitable leadership skills for the position you occupy, but if you're not sufficiently motivated to act with greater intent to benefit others in difficult situations, or if you are above all selfish and self-centered, then you cannot establish relationships with others and will never know the success.

Just as a painter proves able to use brightly the difficult themes of colours, and to recompose in his drawings the world viewed via colour way - so you have to prove yourself able to better play the role that you exercise, to respect the commitments you have assumed when you were appointed in the leading position, to impose for yourself some rules from which you will not ever deviate, and to blend all your principles, values and criteria that guide you to give a better yield in the activities that you carry out.

The ability of a leader to properly assess him is vital, is his greatest strength. Therefore, be objective. Look better within yourself; see if you are right for the respective job and if you get up in the real professionals. Permanently assess your potential depending on the nature of the duties you have and by the consequences that you must assume, to see if you are worthy to rise to the challenges imposed by the position you occupy.

Being a good ship captain means gathering the necessary points for a triumph that marked the ascendant route of the entire crew during the storm.

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