Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

Return To Yourself

On March 22, 2016
, in
Leadership X3-Silver by Neculai Fantanaru

Learn to embrace the acceptance of finding yourself in front of countless doors that no key would know how to open.

I had to find a plausible explanation regarding this long road, uncertain reaching, that only led to myself, as concrete as it is abstract. When, where, why, for what purpose does everything I observed in the stretches of a sea stretched and suddenly emerged in imagination happen, knowing that I have to return there, somewhere in time and space, as far away as possible from the rest of the world? To see if I find myself in what I once was?

Between something planned and something done there is a shift from closed to open, which lasts for who knows how long, a sort of going forward and dive in a time of which you feel the need to believe there exists a sort of truthful closeness. But time, for its language to be coherent, is indispensable to be associated and tied to intuitive and analogical thinking.

You, just like a star shinning stronger and stronger, as you pry into everything that stimulates your imagination, through the magic unity of doubts, ambiguities, and obscurities notched in the body of an eternal matter, one that you alone care for and unknown to anyone. When you believe that you can put yourself across things that exist around for real, although their outline is unclear, in the mysticism of a world recreated bookishly, would you try to abandon everything, absolutely everything, only to define for less than a second what is visible only with the eye of an occult philosophy?

Leadership: Can you replace the value obtained in one of the equations necessary for the defining of individuality, so as to obtain a second unknown of your own existential mathematics?

The most important equation in defining my individuality was quite complex: first I had to end a certain life experience that I was unable to sustain without the intervention of an abolished knowledge of the Universe, then I had to use at all stages of life to comes into a position of power from which I can ascend no more. Of course, with the risk of staying alone in a holographic internet where all human brains are connected to a central computer capable of feeding the same collective reality.

Ioannis Angelos, the last descendant of the Byzantine dynasty of the Angelos, tried to understand the reasoning of doctor Nicholas of Cusa: "If on a point of a circle is constructed a straight tangent, and the radius increases more and more until it becomes infinite, the perimeter of the circle with merge with the straight. Therefore, the infinite, its boundlessness meets the finite, in our case, the circle with the bounded perimeter, and merges with it.

Without realizing it, I found myself in the situation exerted by an excessive fascination that needed to be put in the rightful place, among the bowels of a monster – associated with mathematical thinking, embodying wisdom and endless intelligence, for which all the wonders of the world find a certain expression in the repeated proposals of thoughts, in their raw form, in the value of the partial pressure of a quantity from the arterial blood of a primary cosmic pulse. Was the universe trying to tell me something?

Parallel to the world of science, a superior force seemed to speak through me, without me realizing that all the power I thought I held was illusory. I was too young to grasp the acceptance of finding myself in front of countless doors that no key would know how to open. The first unknown of my existential mathematics was the presence of a context of thought that served only a limited conception: “I had to know if I would keep the secrets of the location of a key belonging only to God”.

The great challenge of science that leadership embraces is to embrace a very high teaching with the mind of another person in the vision of a world-maker who can be mistaken for God.

The finite of a moment of lucidity, dilated to excess by the hallucinatory fever of initiatives of finding answers to the great questions of my passing through the world, could not meet the infinite. The second unknown of my existential mathematics refers to the way of gathering all the clues from my blog testimonies written with the impetus of an artist of the passing world for the spread of supersensible knowledge so as to respond to a crazy idea: that I can, at any point, become an alternative option to the traditional view of the universe.

In order to integrate leadership in the concepts that have the power to change lives you must be open to an independent thinking capable of sustaining, in a certain sense of convergence, to a limit of an extreme of the dimension of rationality in a broadened horizon. Leadership means to trace firmly your advancing towards a new arrangement of what you try to believe in relation to everything that surrounds you, with everything it means to be a part of a larger equation.

To obtain the second unknown of your own existential mathematics is similar with the appearances of new spaces of confrontation with yourself, between an end and another beginning, knowing that you have to return there, somewhere in time and space, as far away as possible from the rest of the world, and see if you can find yourself in what you once were.

If you manage to find yourself unchanged from the way you are now, in the mysticism of a world recreated bookishly, when you feel that a superior force seems to speak through you, only then can you consider yourself qualified to be perceived as a starting point for a very necessary recovery of the purpose of the true art of leadership: that of suggesting a new beginning, a sort of intuitive perception of the whole that mostly deeply explains life, the world, human nature, and even the universe.

The ability to suggest a new beginning of thinking in a way of speaking of the universe in the plan of existence depends on how you value your knowledge in a context like: “convince yourself to believe in a Creator that’s part of who you are”.

Return To Yourself is the road travelled towards an initiation in the mysteries of your own being, so as to find a plausible explanation of the way in which you have to transform in someone else more powerful to embody boundless wisdom and intelligence.

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