- I am the best ! I am the only one who managed this performance ! I had most of the achievements ! Only I was able to do that ! Nobody is like me ! I am unique ! Vote for me and you will not regret !
Are these the words of a really strong person, optimistic and self-confident?
Margaret Thatcher, the British Prime Minister between 1979 and 1990, knew the best what it means to be truly a strong person: "Being powerful is like being a lady, if you have to tell people you are, you aren’t."
Where it prevails the personal interest, prevails also the manipulation, while modesty and discretion are totally lacking. Out of desperation and for fear of losing the battle for power, some people, eager to obtain an important job, make an appeal to extreme methods in order to attract new supporters on their side. They throw grenades like: "You are everything to me. I will fulfill and your last wish. "Only to dispel any complaints about the way he assumed responsibility for his weak results.
At the end of the road they make a last attempt, a last desperate effort to exercise influence on voters and to save their reputation. Unfortunately, those leaders who come in such a situation – critical, by their way of reacting, probably they do not know or could not get people by their side in good time.
The cry of despair with which you are trying whole-heartedly to affirm your power is a whole that does not totalize, never unifies anything, suggesting only the doubt you face in trying to get closer to people. It can be as confusing as the non-recognition of a master’s degree abroad because you are trying to gain a "formality" instead of deepening a certain ideology that answers the questions of others.
A news story is what is happening to you, revealed at higher elevations, which strengthens your beliefs about a certain thing. A news story you plan to publish is like representing a map of the world: it has to be much too well defined in relation to mapping information.
To demonstrate that the degree of justification of a belief is an indication of the truth with which news story can be reached, you must have sufficient evidence to support a point of view and to make it known in the hope that you will change one’s mind.
Someone said a great truth: "Nor map does not appear out of the blue, they are made by someone to serve a particular purpose. If we manage to understand what that purpose is, we will make an important step towards understanding the map."
In order to diminish any type of communication barriers between you and others, you must first create a map of your own ideals and visions that you have transformed into reality, and to use it as a form of alchemy between you and them. However, if you fragment the reality, if you neglect or limit those reference points, which lead to an understanding of the leadership model imposed by you, it means that your map is not good, or it is not updated, or it is not sufficiently finished.
Correct your position on the map that you are drawing up from what characterizes you, without fragmenting or distorting the reality of your own guidelines. Your map of leadership does not appear out of the blue, but it is based on some clear data, on some statistics taken from some studied aspects, on those elements that enhance or diminish the quality of your evolution, and which are revealing your true intentions.
Just as you create a map, by which to exert your influence, in the same way, the other people create a mental and spiritual map that reproduces the truth about you. You are limiting your leadership potential if you constrain people to pay attention on you, if you oblige them to orient on your map.
The personality of a frustrated man always comes to the surface when his will manifests itself to the fullest through obsessive thoughts and an exaggerated preoccupation with his own person. Nobody can play endlessly a duplicitous role. No one can hide the truth forever. For the results verify the actions of a person, and are really convincing.
It is very difficult to obtain people's goodwill, admiration and their respect, if you are not a reliable, serious and intelligent person. That is what should know all the aspirants to high management functions in the state before submitting their candidature. To be efficient means to move quickly and to act in the support of people in time, for them to be able to form a good impression of you. The one, who hopes to avoid a catastrophe in the last moment, will intercept more only reject messages from others.
The whole world will always come back to the correct man, honest, who really did something good for his country, for his people. At elections will not be voted that candidate endowed with a great power of persuasion, but the one who had notable achievements.
Does your map differ greatly than the other people's map? Does it serve to the establishment of your true personality? Does the model of the map that you create or choose it can be accessible to others?
Think well to these things before making the first step towards failure, before uprising the "cry of despair".