Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

The Eyes Mirror The States Of My Soul

On April 28, 2023
, in
Skills and Abilities by Neculai Fantanaru

The perspective must match the eye viewing the scene.

I was my sister’s supporter last Sunday, at the half-marathon contest in Iaşi. Many participants, perfect weather. A fact that limits to the pure visualization of an alternative reality, the condensation in color of unforgettable experiences, line and form, of a whole cosmos of sensations, with their spiritual echo always kept in memory. The atmosphere had exerted pressure on the emotional background of the participants, from where they could only escape through an Esterenaet Ossets , a vivid transition through several poses: from the pose of “receiver of cheers” to the pose of “value criterion”.

Out of the over a thousand competitors, my sister ranked in the first 5 positions in the women’s finalists, representing a well-deserved symbol of the active lifestyle, just as the medal represented a symbol of victory over her. I believe that some are predestined to be winners, entities of positive energy, while others are predestined to be part of society’s daily routine, vibrating on the same wavelength as the restlessness of insipid choices.

With real interest, through an addition of rare animation, I looked at my sister as a painter looks at his painting: with the expression of an alegria de viver that excludes any gravity, of an aesthetic consciousness capable of appealing and communicating with all the means of beauty, by the way it manifests itself as a metalanguage of the senses and emotions.

I looked at her with eyes that know how to see beyond the bounds of the finite, with the fulfillment of a living perceptive act, initiating at every step an encounter with the miraculous. There was something in her eyes, something silent, patient, a magic that seeped beyond every touch of the canvas. And she seemed to know all this, looking at them from above, with the calmness of a man who knows well his way to the artistic act from the moment of running, which is the comprehensive approach of an obvious autonomous will.

Leadership: Can you draw attention to the need to value a state of mind by sharing your vision of a sensitive and ever-present image that embodies the archetype of a hero?

Categorically, running has to do with the feeling of beauty, manifesting itself as a way of expressing the suppleness of the body that youth is used to, orienting, from case to case, towards the admiration of an honest, wise and alluring life that challenges you to adventure without realizing it. A kind of subtle curiosity could be read on my sister’s face, the faithful reflection of a consciousness that becomes aware of itself only through the turn that events take, to which artists are grateful through the form of subjective experience that the mood awakens.

Was it perfect diplomacy or flawless skill?

The meaning of beauty is different from that of desire, because beauty is the sincerity with which you approach what you do, related to the connection of all personal experiences. While the desire is the challenge to raise the bar for a new prize, the challenge to go beyond usual seeing, the mind continuing to “work” with its own artistic vision. And on this account, my sister increased her joy of rediscovering the simplicity of beauty starting from the very moment when, being one step ahead of the other competitors, she reduced her feeling of fatigue through a synchronous connection of body and soul, without one forgoing and the other following.

In those rewarding moments, with the sweat of one’s brow, she felt a deep, almost unreal calling, and she had the feeling that she was running inside another person’s body, like a painter who extracts their identity from matter, form, sometimes theme and the message conveyed in his own work. Rather, I think it was a kind of attempt to escape from a negative emotional state, to reach a neutral or desired emotional state, to which is added the challenge of engaging in something new and surprising, a break in rhythm on the last two kilometers that left her looking and dreaming of a well-deserved place on the podium.

Leadership: Can you place at the center of your vision the determinism of creating a symbolic image, so as to concentrate in a single model of memory the totality of the universe you are creating?

Look how she runs, and she runs harder and harder, more and more artistically, without showing signs of fatigue, comparable to the flight of a ballerina over the darkness of middle age. Everything happened as if she had to retouch a work of art that has in the foreground the features of the body, the lines of the limbs which, always the same, can bend, but can never change. So much so that, painted on a holy image, they can be worshiped on the altars of the image of power.

The reception of a nerve impulse suddenly generated a muscular contraction, which caused the release of muscular energy, a flash of the spirit in the light of a flame seen only by me. I think this perfectly fits the observation made by Leonardo da Vinci: “In the art of painting the most important thing is matching the movements with the intentions in the mind of the model, such as desire, motivation, good mood, pride and perseverance.”

In running, performance athletes manifest themselves as a way of artistic expression, through a kind of event symbolism, because they are not only heroes of a “work” that requires speed in execution, but rather represent windows open to the enlightenment of souls, towards understanding and experiencing an immense satisfaction in relation to the environment, towards becoming “in perspective”.

And my sister, like an artist skilled in the nuances of an effective training, the nuances of a true passion for performance, matched with a determination dilated towards extra sensibility, immediately understood from what strong material the canvas of a future painting is cut.

The breath of perseverance is an indivisible unity of body, mind and soul, dependent on art. And the artist, showing that on the migration route of the imaginary from the sacred to the human, the young spirit preserves its vocation to soar with great leaps towards always other heroic feats, does not alienate the thought of adding a small detail to the great canvas on which he outlines his vision, causing an expansion of imaginary worlds. He concentrates in a single pattern of memory the totality of the universe he creates.

Leadership is the vision with which you invest your soul in the midst of events that, awakening the emotion of a significant moment, make you feel like a hero transformed into an artist.

The Eyes Mirror The States Of My Soul when I watch the events in which the hero of the picture that fully characterizes me finds himself in. Not for nothing, when I watch a running competition, the only concern of my eyes is to capture the artistry behind the human, with the help of which the active or spontaneous character of a large-scale phenomenon is highlighted, in a colorful drawing.

Isn’t art beautiful, for someone that knows art?


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