Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

The Leadership Horologe

On December 17, 2010
, in
Skills and Abilities by Neculai Fantanaru

The initiator character of leadership is nothing more than a distinct reflection of how you function in case of overcoming the limits and conditions of life.

A man who has enjoyed a tremendous popularity in the last 20 years is the American writer and director Stephen King. He did, if I may so express myself, an amazing job, writing over one hundred fantastic novels full of connotations, most of them becoming very loved and appreciated by readers around the world.

But at a certain point, says Stephen King in the introduction of his novel, "The Gunslinger" (the first volume of the series "The Dark Tower" ), that he went through a difficult moment - when he was hit by a car. He escaped with life only by a miracle. Thus, he was forced to interrupt his work for a while, which displeased him.

However, in 2001 – when he began to feel better, Stephen decided to carry out Roland's adventure (the main character of the series). He put everything aside and started writing the last three volumes. He honestly confessed what he felt deep inside: "I did this not so much for my readers, as for myself ".

Leadership: Do you exploit any situation for your own perfection between the benefit of a partisan vision of addressing a certain limit and the benefit of possessing a state of mind?

In some extent, Stephen King saw himself as a hero – that hero whom he gave birth to in many of his novels, a hero whom no one and nobody could stop his boom to the highest peaks. And inside this hero, there was a voice, like a whisper or a close breath, something alive and full of grace, which always inspired him optimism and confidence, supported him with interest and called his attention when he made a mistake or when he was about to forget his passion.

Stephen always has a passion for writing and reading, he had imagination, delicacy, ideas, he was endowed with all qualities and virtues of a true writer. Since the first moment when he started writing, during school, literature has become a passion for him, which he maintained all of his life. Because of writing, where he skillfully blended his vision and his creative ideas, he felt his whole life ennobled. His unforgettable words: "I did this mostly for myself" carry great weight. You can feel in them the writer's desire to carry out with his work; you can feel the passion, force and energy that characterize him.

The validity term of the personal perspective on the experience perceived as dangerous and painful is replaced by the expiry date of the solitary detention in the area of that reality that urges you to escape from what you wear in the soul.

The virtue of maintaining what you built is an extension of the term of life to the need to strengthen that perception of yourself that reaches the latent content of the dream.

Perfection is in you. Just like a sculptor carves his statues in stone, at leisure carving in it quiet and immortal forms, so does Stephen King create his novels, always creating new scenarios and fantasies. And so you will be able to prove your mastery in the field you are passionate about.

To get to the top of the hierarchy in your profession, you must strive to become a Stephen King; you must do everything with passion and professionalism, and not so much for the people requiring it, but especially for yourself. If you cannot find any pleasure in your work and you don't find yourself full of enthusiasm, then people will have great expectations from you in vain – you will surely disappoint them.

Leadership: Does the self-image that you offer to others contribute to the awareness of your feelings of belonging to a prolonged living condition that allows you to respect your commitments to what you cannot escape?

Enda Larkin, executive of HTC Consulting, mentioned: "The cornerstone of the leader's way of thinking means having a real desire to lead and being prepared to translate this commitment every day. It is built on passion, self-confidence and full harmony with human nature." Nice !

A leader improves his limits by improving his performance. Stephen King would never have reached the top of science fiction and fantasy fiction novel writers if he hadn't persisted in enthusiastically running up the walks of professional life. He was able to evolve because he always "worked" at full capacity, even in the difficult moments of his life. He was and still is rising to it in everything he does, because he always claims more of himself.

And, especially, because he has a certain responsibility towards himself, a certain moral obligation (he feels he always must give more) which, once broken, will affect his career.

Leadership is the sacrifice you assume on the road to excellence, whose significance can only be elucidated by the reconstruction of a world that is about to be lost or a dream on its way to becoming reality.

The Leadership Horologe marks every second of your professional development in time so, therefore, it also marks your image in the world. But the leadership horologe will shut off if your work begins to dissolve and be ineffective. The clock that indicates your level of performance will work and last as long as you firmly impose your ideas and your vision, and especially as long as you are willing to proceed with your career.

Excellence in leadership is difficult to obtain, and if you have a different opinion, then you're terribly wrong. To get to the top of leadership, you must climb the mandatory professional stairs, work with dedication and passion, tenacity and enthusiasm, and take a commitment to yourself not to give up or surrender to failures and difficulties but, at the same time, not to get overly enthusiastic when being successful, because success can be momentary.

Conclusion: Through your work and the experience you gained during this whole time (Including when working with people – who can be your friends or feared enemies), you can achieve the maximum of your potential.

Leadership is nothing more than the distinct reflection of the way you act and evolve.


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