Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

The Masterpiece Of A True Artist

On October 19, 2009
, in
Skills and Abilities by Neculai Fantanaru

Keep yourself in the leading position, by exercising your influence as an art, not as a science.

Could you interpret well a role if you do not understand very well the character? Can you play a different range of roles if you are not a true artist - skilled enough to imitate very well the pain, fear, misery, delirium, sickness, any feeling at all? Can you conform with the roles from any social status, deceiving the audience being your only goal?

Because, let us be honest and admit it. Dramatics is, somehow, single-eyed to manipulate the audience - by the plot, by behavior, gesture and tone of the actors; by their emphasis; by the soundtrack, the clothing, the background, by the fast moves that captivate you and distort your perception about reality.

The elements that frame the character are, also, of major importance. For instance, the eyes: they look weird, one is pretty pronounced, and the other one is hardly noticeable; the two earrings in the left ear: one golden, pearl-bearing, the other one of silver, in the form of a cross. He hobbles or keeps a raised foot; or he trails one leg. He lacks one hand, or has a shorter and a longer one. He has a big scar on his face; a tattoo on the left shoulder. Or, a huge nose, like that of Cyrano de Bergerac.

An artist finds great pleasure in performing his role, regardless of that it would be, to exhibit his mastery whenever he had to perform a show. From the most insignificant moment: soaking in small and rare sips his coffee, to the topmost point: the brutally killing, with a sword, the hacker or the dagger of another character.

The artist must give a flawless performance, imitating reality, so that his dagger blow should seem to hurt much more heavily than at a first view.

Leadership: Are you polarizing people’s interests or are you a Guest Star – in that the performance you achieve in art can act on the level of “feeling that is erased in you”?

A leader must be a very good professional, so good that he should be the one who plays the determinant role in the company. With text. With a lot of presence. With his own scene. Just like an artist, he must have charisma, to penetrate the heart of every employee, to change the perceptions of everyone after his own will. He must seduce them. To find those inspirational elements, to which would all resonate. To demonstrate a very active imagination. To create and to bring beauty around him.

Can you make performance by your own? Have you developed, just like an actor, the artistic and communication skills? Have you created a strong personality for yourself? Do you understand all the connotations of your role?

Or are you some kind of a Guest Star ("an invited star") as actors say – an erased character, sacrificed to the good of another?

Also remember what writer Cella Serghi said in the novel “On the spider thread of memory”: I realize that I am not the person who arouses simple feelings and immeasurable certainty. Did you know that a talent can act like a vampire, sucking your blood, absorbing you?

The art of a leader, just like the one of an actor, involves the release of judgment (as power of thinking) of those constraints that do not fit into the optimal size of their domain of competence. And creating a character involves a complex construction. Your value cannot occur by chance. It takes a much deeper knowledge of things, a broader vision. First you need to reach the character’s psychology and access it anytime by adjusting the intensity of the feeling you convey to those around, that feeling of the being not made false by the effect of an incredible scenography.

Leadership is the ambition of a quality, even brilliant acting, when the role you play can be taken over by someone else. A role played with that flexibility of the perspective that allows you an empathic understanding of fictional worlds built up by a scenario very close to being concretized.

Your personality must be manifested by an intensity of thought, through a magistral tempering of emotions, combined with a lot of charisma – from which emerges that the "show" that you perform, playing by your own score, is of an exceptional quality, but has a suitable price - which is reflected in loyalty and in their applauds.

If you will perform your role perfectly, and if you will succeed winning all people on your side - through the show that you create around you, then people will say: this is the work of a genuine artist.

Until an exceptional role has emerged that makes you the profile of a leader loved by the crowd, you should learn to understand things from an artist, considered obsolete or not, who knows how to make you vibrate and who can transmit a special emotion.

The artist is, on many occasions, the character that is detached from the universe in which the other characters of the play rotate, allowing a critical and harsh judgment at the address of others. He is, therefore, the "spokesman" of the author of the script, endowed with a superior ability to feel and understand.

Leadership, like the art of theatre, as well as the art of transforming diversity into unity, is the gift of an artist who knows how to ask and ask himself about the correctness of an interpretation, seeking himself in different roles.

The Masterpiece Of A True Artist is the emotional story of an artist who emerges not from him, by the role he plays with love, but from the other artists in full-roles that complete the show trying to make their own triumphant and well-deserved path.

Keep yourself in the leading position, by exercising your influence as an art, not as a science.


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