Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

The Portrait Of A Lost Thought In The World Of Art

On June 21, 2017
, in
Successful Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

Learn to look at yourself from the perspective of a hidden secret, to achieve a high artistic perfection.

What would it be if you were trying to draw my life in the colors of the night, with the richness of the fine nuances of tears full of hope and dreams, from a tension that comes from a mental program that is emotionally reflected, but which is manifested at the level physical? Does the poetry of the heart not have the same rights as the poetry of captive thinking in the abstract visions of art?

Important is how you look at me from the perspective of a well-hidden secret that leaves no room for any mischievous interpretation, but with care not to place it under the sign of a compensatory realism. Ideally, you have to represent your idea in living images, a trick with the change of inspiration in an intellectual and productive formula, beyond the romanticism that leaves no room for doubt about the feelings you give me.

Learning to look at yourself from the perspective of a hidden secret to achieve a high artistic perfection is to grasp the projection of a power of expression to which you can encompass its greatness.

Among the enthusiasm of thoughts that portrays the art of portraying an ideal of beauty, for which the secrets of creation always assume a new physiognomy, you must use the light pulses of the stars on fantastic and infinitely long lines. On which the premises of manifestation of dependence on beauty give the conclusion of a thought full of satisfied desires. How well do I fit into symbols of a transcendent reality behind the lyrical journey of Shadows of the Night?

Leadership: Do you express the desire for what is above you through a creative rendering of the distance between truth and illusion?

The gravity with which you look at me in a mystical dream can become everything, a stretch of a thousand light years to the center of the universe seen from a single angle: the aesthetics of the work of art.

Try to carry out a thinking experience, as is the practice of physicists, allowing fictitious fables to eliminate the hazard of reality. Can you express with sufficient force and warmth the truth of the phenomena surrounding me to achieve a high artistic perfection?

There is always something missing, it is true, as a conclusion full of confusions and without a right of appeal. And there will always be something else, like the moment of acting an attraction force in relation to the axis of a sequence of transformations. There are probably things you do not know about me yet, and when you find them you think something will change from the perspective of the pure portions of aesthetic theory? And how can you raise your ideals more than by rendering the relationship between natural beauty and beautiful art?

Here I know you better than you think, the way you manifest your self-forgetting, the pursuit of what is above you. Your present now speaks with my present, so the present is pleased because we both resonate with it.

In art, the special ability to realize the idea and the feeling not directly – by deed, but through a poetic rendering of the distance between truth and illusion, tends to the modern forms of visual art in accordance with the desiderata of the present time.

Leadership: Can you see what is above you by escaping from a state of a surreal story?

As the archaeologist’s point is to reconstitute an entire culture out of its stone remnants, so too is the first and most important mission of an artist to penetrate the inner life of the model. A kind of gravity more than inherent that does not reveal itself at first glance, precisely because it hides roots entangled in a disturbing depth. And to find a balance between the sensitivity of pursuing hidden dreams, the rotation movement of a star and the escape from a state of surreal story.

The essential difference between me and whoever you perceive me to be in terms of creation is an indulgence of human nature in the exercise of contemplating a landscape that can have a profound emotional effect, surpassed by the awakening of a vision of symbolic force. Thus, you have the possibility of connecting with the infinite.

A perfect artist knows how to distinguish any color in the confessions of a mystery thirsty mind, even in the strain of an insatiable expectation from the time of inspiration, such as the color of the urge towards the universal, or the color of a vibration of ecstasy. Blue and Yellow blending into a framework of aesthetic thinking, freedom, and authenticity. Do you think if you never understand everything about me, you can even imagine it?

Expression in leadership is the space to represent an association between the interpretation of the model quality that the gallery of ideas and experiences puts at your disposal and the particular image that you form about yourself.

God, King, Honor, and Women. In the dimensions of art, with its intimate springs and its hidden consequences, in the symmetry of time, space and inspiration, these overwhelming presences correspond to the difference between the thinking of the poet and that of the thinker.

In the view of a literary critic like Nikolai Dobroliubov, the former thinks in a concrete way, without losing sight of particular phenomena and images, and the latter keeps generalizing everything, conveying particular signs in a general formula.

The Portrait Of A Lost Thought In The World Of Art represents a significant step in the creation anchored in the rigorous observation of human nature made in the direction of the art in which a face is a window inside of you.

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