If this road has a beginning, then it must also have an end, I thought with a forced concession. But the end will not be soon, my conscience fervently repeated me. Because darkness was becoming clearer, the high tower of inspiration grabbed more and more energy resources.
I was prisoner in a windowless room, where I was building my characters just like a manufacturer of living puppets who knows how to ignite that miraculous spark, divine, life-giving, and who with the power of a single thought, can restore their senses, can disarrange their feelings just as the wind shakes the tree branches, can storm and flood them into a huge stream of energy.
Every little thread of feeling, every wave of emotion rose bold and clear at a single sign of my will. It seemed to me that I could adjust any change in the tirelessly, always exciting world, shaped by my many characters. I could assemble, unfold, repair with the finesse of a watchmaker the entire mechanism of their thought and sensitivity – which aroused my most vivid curiosity towards the essence of human nature !
I was a good observer, my mind automatically recorded everything so precise and thoroughly in everyday life, that after a brief analysis, I could adorn more and more with objective elements the parallel reality of the fascinating world of magic that, like love, gave sense to my existence.
If Ulysses returned alone from Hades, from the underworld of darkness, I was deepening more and more in the tumultuous area, full of ups and downs of the soul and human psyche. To discover, to understand the significance of those interdependent entities, but by some less common laws, by some well-thought principles to complete simultaneously my judgment and the depth of my feeling.
And, just as Ulysses was accompanied by a God, I was accompanied by the demon of knowledge, the main spokesman of all virtues, the great founder of the creative impulse in the accessible world of imagination.
My training started from the moment of acquiring observer quality and continued with identifying the value of the correlation moment of art with her creator. The reception of new ideas and concepts about their own Ego took the form of a life of originality centered on something lost or lasting, like a dream that carries imagination into exotic lands, marked by the fascination of the unknown and the magic of the world.
To penetrate deeper than psychologists into the human underworld. To grasp, as with fisherman’s net, the mystery of my true nature by rebuilding those spiritual resources that are sooner dormant rather than the property of a reality that is but an appearance.
To throw the bait that produces the highest vibrations and to cling to the finest sensations and perceptions – this was my plan, the idea underlying the creation of another meaning of life, in the twilight world of the soul and reason of a character who is always being reinvented.
Who could know better the secrets of the art of leadership than the man who, by a well-founded understanding of human nature, by following or rejecting all factors of influence, is located on a very high position of creation and maturity?
But often creation and maturity are constructions intended to be stationed in a "no signal" area where no one can contact you, but from which you can see everything from the height of your own experience of living and the height of your own imagination.
Would be gravely mistaken the one who would think to see in an isolated house, in a closed place, only an opportunity to escape from the present reality, because he misses the opportunity to establish his own fantastic world in the midst of an exercise of the type "learning by living deep in thought."
Just as a reader caught in the dramatic web of a novel, forced to take part in the turmoil of the characters, the leader is constantly caught in the process of creation of the art that implicitly makes room to the discovery or renewal of human feelings - starting from perceiving his own experiences and feelings. He stimulate his psychological performance by relating to a fertile knowledge, populated by those aspects of reality extracted from desert land of his own imaginary prisons.
Reality in the underground world of man designates the feelings, emotions, thoughts and aspirations that you integrate into your spiritual universe. To better understand human nature and to expand your horizons of perceiving moods, you must integrate into an isolated world from which to extract the most relevant lessons formed at the root of your being.