Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

The Secret Workshop Of Leadership

On March 31, 2012
, in
Skills and Abilities by Neculai Fantanaru

Ensure your means of refining your traits of character and of using them in your favor, by focusing your decisions in the direction of your feelings and your most profound experiences.

The beginning of the movie "The Devil's Advocate (1997)". Kevin Lomax, a very ambitious young lawyer, manages to acquit his very wealthy client - sentenced for double rape. Immediately after this success, he is recruited by the famous law firm "Milton, Chadwick & Waters". And from here to Hell was not a long way. His wife dies, his mother too, and his friends mysteriously disappear. His life falls apart. The guilt was none other than his foster father, John Milton, which in the end of the movie, suggests to join him, and to "serve" the sin. However, Kevin, overwhelmed by the memory of his wife, commits the unexpected gesture: suicide, ending the pact with the devil.

Then the act is rewound. The camera is moving towards Kevin, entering the courtroom, astounded, where he had to defend the respective culprit accused of rape. His eyes meet his wife’s, Mary, and remained nailed as a magnetic force, of her serenity and purity. Penetrated deep inside by a mysterious joy, he approaches her.

Furthermore, the two charming heads, one pale and surrounded by the magic of the blessed seeing again, the other one rosy, soft and smiling, approached with grace and hook their lips and thoughts - as if two drops of vivid essence would be met, and became one whole. Kevin's heart seemed to emanate the same words that the Count La Mole has addressed once to Queen Margot: "I need you as I need air, and the light of the day."

His face, full of the joy of very deep feelings, mirrored one thought: "I love you, Mary ! " - And these expensive words, these words for all the dialects of the earth chose the most undulating vowels and the most pleasing to the ear consonants - were really eloquent for the way he sustained his plea. In fact, Kevin has decided to no longer represent his client, thus refusing to decay morally.

Leadership: Have you tried to test your ability to feel in a context that constrains you, but gives you the opportunity to reveal yourself to the world altogether?

Any significant change of the sense of your existence is generally supported and maintained by the evolution of your leadership. The modification of your own status by undermining the basic values and principles (which it is imperative to follow in order to get those personality traits accepted by the others) - can affect your level of conscience, belief, by inducing quite burdensome spiritual and mental states. Which if persist over time, can create discomfort at the psychological and emotional level.

Such a discomfort, caused by the transition to an altruistic life, which generates love, to a self-centered existence, has overwhelmed the young lawyer Kevin Lomax once he deviated from the moral values that he embodied. He represents a significant example of the human kind, who has not completely lost his honor, and indebted to his inner nature, and especially, surrounded by the feelings that he cherished for the loved one, has found the salvation of his own self, unfortunately, through suicide.

Often, the courage to reveal yourself to the world as your soul asks for, by accentuating the tendency to judge yourself harshly for the mistakes made or as a result of remembering an experience of the type: "the lesson of death that brings life" or, by an effort of the consciousness of discerning between truth and falsehood, between good and evil, stands out when you have to push your limits to an unavoidable end.

Leadership is a tool for attaining a sense of attitude to the job you take, having the power to turn a result of a long process of consciousness into a tip of the spear for the renewal of one’s own being.

Important in the evolution of your leadership is not only your interior and knowledge, but also the cycle of emotions and events that you produce - the whole "production" of emotions, aspirations, tendencies and inner emancipation in a given time. It must be added another important dimension to this: that you live your "work".

Your entire lifestyle combined with the adopted leadership style conditions the "work of conversion" to yourself.

To experience the "mirroring" means to follow the tendency towards unity between the image of the perception of a slip into sin and the content of the faith that assures you the victory of values in front of the world and destiny.

Kevin Lomax has renounced to the position that he owned in the most powerful law firm in the world, thus succeeding finally to return to his original status, fair and honest, on which relied on his existence - marriage with Mary, the relationship with his mother and his friends. He had the power to reassess his Ego and to highlight his character traits, too late indeed, intensifying the perception of his own self in relation to the Ego of those whom he loved, especially of Mary.

You, future leader, how would you proceed? Would you abandon the position that you have in order to strengthen the relationships with the loved ones, or you would continue to overcome your condition, really trying to be more - and to risk being failed in the most important area of your being - the consciousness?

Leadership: Can you go for hours in the shadow of a tower, without being able to overcome it?

Give a chance to your leadership for becoming a strong point of your life, by maintaining a longer time your moral and emotional integrity. However, for this you must penetrate the inner world of the other people, to read their deepest feelings, to try to approach them morally and emotionally.

Your attitude full of attention, especially for those who are part of your life, your ability to adapt to their spiritual needs is the key to the entire completion process of your own Ego. For rising to the level of your leadership, you must receive the approval of your own Ego to strengthen and to reinforce yourself emotionally. Therefore, include in your conscience, in your deep down those positive, constructive, and well polished thoughts, and do not let anyone and anything to ever darken them.

During physical exercise, the heart must provide a greater blood supply to the various organs and especially to the muscular system.

So and you, in order to evolve to a high level of awareness of the duties of the foundations of one’s own faith and to listen to the often-silent cry that rises from the heart, you have to add an extra spiritual balance to the relationship between what is just (fairness) and what is rational (the good).

By not being concerned about the changing of your own way of being is like going for minutes on end in the shadow of a very high tower, without being able to overcome it. The tower is the projection of your own conscience, and the shadow is that constant part of you that follows you everywhere. If you want to climb the leadership ladder, learn to overcome yourself, to overcome any doubt that you have about your own self – by strengthening your spiritual and moral values, and showing much strength of character.

The consciousness that guides you in life on the right path is the equivalent of your chances of turning back time by rememorating feelings, memories, thoughts, feelings, but also through the “regaining” of the soul lsot through a form of guilt and despair.

The secret workshop of the leadership is the place where it is polished and cultivated your system of moral norms and behavior, gathered over time, that you have to put in value in any situation in order to remove all that is good of you and of the other people. And, always, to keep them in appropriate conditions so that they would never degrade and never lose their brightness.

Ensure your means of refining your traits of character and of using them in your favor, by focusing your decisions in the direction of your feelings and your most profound experiences. Enhance your ability to perceive the emotions of others and, according to them, to ensure a high intake of positive energy and to give a new meaning to your life.


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