Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

Empire Of The Soul

On November 26, 2010
, in
Human Resources by Neculai Fantanaru

Reach inside your own being and listen to your conscience in order to stimulate the capacity to fit in the context of your superiority effects.

Before going away from the city where he was born, the city on which he had returned with one goal: to get revenge on those who sent him to prison, where he had been stayed for 14 years, the Count of Monte Cristo set out for alleys Meilhan, with the thought to review for the last time the little house in which he often, in his youth, was dating his girlfriend, Mercedes. Reached on the threshold, he heard a sigh which resembled to a groan. He looked toward the place where the groan was heard and under a canopy of jasmine with dense leaves and purple flowers he saw her, Mercedes, sitting bowed and weeping.

Mercedes raised her veil and lifted her eyes at the Count's sight which submitted to her.

- Mercedes – said the Count - I do not have the power to bring you happiness, but I can give you comfort: do you want to get it as coming from a friend?

- I am really very unfortunate, replied Mercedes, ranging from a deep sadness. Look at me, Edmond. There are not the times when I smiled at you while you waited for me up, at the window of this attic, at which your old father lived. I do not blame you, Edmond, no; I do not hate you, my friend. I blame and I hate myself ! I had been punished ! I had faith, innocence, love, these three gifts of angels, and I've doubted God…Everyone else that harmed you was prompted by hate, greed, selfishness, only I behaved so out of cowardice. They wished, I was afraid…Here, the suffering bleached of my hair. You, on the contrary, Edmond, you left still young, still handsome, so handsome and still proud. That's because you've kept your faith that you had power because you trusted in God and God has helped you. I was a coward, disowned my love, and God left me, and here I am !

Leadership: Does the strength of character consist of the power of the will to represent yourself as an enclosed micro-universe in continuous pulsing or as a painting you want to give life to?

The heart ascends you, the heart descends you. Mercedes burst into tears. Her woman's heart was broken in front of memories.

Monte Cristo took her hand and kissed it with respect. But she felt that his kiss is cold, like achieving a marble statue. She knew, felt in her heart that the one Edmond Dantes that she once loved will no longer be able to love her just because instead of waiting for him, instead of always remaining faithful to him she reached her hand to his rival while he was moaning at the bottom of a cliff.

- I believed you are dead and I had to die too because of what I had to wear forever mourning in my heart, said Mercedes with deep sadness. I really ought to save you, no matter how guilty you were? But I let you die. I helped at your death through my lack of feeling, by my contempt, by my ignorance, not wanting to remember that for me you had this perjury and traitor ! Now, tell me goodbye, Edmond, and we split up !

After the Count left, her voice, though unwillingly, at all slowly whispering: Edmond, Edmond, Edmond !

Leadership: Do you have the power to protect your full freedom against the beliefs of others?

In order to understand leadership we must direct our attention towards the evaluation criteria for men, analyzing the beginnings and causes of his ascension, thus the rhythm and symmetry of his evolutionary way in a space isolated from normal life in a framework isolated from the rest of the world.

In order for us to understand a person led by their superiority spirit, we have to understand first his repeated and impetuous outbursts that indicate a gathering of the fires of hate and lack of consideration towards other people, which after they have gotten out of control enforce fear, fascination or regret. We have to take into account the internal fail and the external betrayal, as fundamental resorts of exclusion from the parameters of social life and compromising internal cohesion against extending our own potential and our necessities to assert ourselves.

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, the most important philosopher of the 19th century attributed to the "Übermensch" the mental attitude expressed as follows: to defend your full freedom against the beliefs of others.

Thoroughly analyzed, the inner world of man is better discovered in its true depths and beauties, but most of all through a perfect agreement between the thoughts and emotions experienced in relation to others. A kind of mathematical ratio of some predominantly small formations that later on take the shape of an equation with conditional variables: "the parts must execute their assigned obligations ! "

Leadership has the origin of claiming to know you from the point of view of the assumed obligations at that time of life that contains a painful lesson that is hard to forget.

The equality of acceptability chances regarding some elections that could decisively influence the long term orientation by invoking friendship and moving others, means, first of all, equal access to the resources of reason, conscience and real authority that manage the evolution of these traits built as predictors of an efficient behavior – they shape the profile of an efficient leader. This equality is characteristic that directly affects the results that interest you, revealing which people are truly important for you and which not, giving you an advantage in the sense that you don’t have to be stuck in the position of a man deceived by appearances, consumed by a reality that can’t be controlled.

Do you believe in the coercion "freedom" of leveling individuals in the name of your ideal, living with the moral imperfection acquired in solitude? Or do you believe in full "freedom" against the beliefs of others?

In order to stimulate your capacity to fit in the context of superiority effects, first of all you have to win the people through a new and full understanding of you essence, inoculating in their minds the image of a life you’ve been dreaming to have and the way in which you want to live it, seeing yourself as a conscious thought of their wishes, an instrument of their aspirations.

Leadership: Can you die on the inside while you are alive?

Who was the only person from the world who knew to recognize Edmond Dantes, who could really understand and who admired him until the last minute? Who was the person who had the power to touch his feelings, to urge him to act so hard, to take action when his whole world was gray? Who was this person because of whom he could not ever have peace, and who had a decisive influence in his life?

None other than Mercedes, his youth lover whose heart was broken in front of the memories, in front of her own mistakes. How much influence could have this woman on him, however, her own heart, imbued with a sense of shame, crossed by a humiliating emotion due to her own fault that smashed all her future, exhausted all her energy and all the enthusiasm to her dreams.

The Count forgave Mercedes and even tried to help her and her son - as a friend, but her own conscience would not let her accept his help. The only solace of her soul was finally to be as far away from him, to whom she has been unfaithful. Her soul was too saddened by what happened, too full of sorrow and suffering. Her decision to break up with the Count was the result of her own direct or indirect actions and which have damaged her own image.

As the wind rises the bird above the desert, so the conscience filled with remorse pushes the human to the brink of negative emotions as the feeling that there is nothing to do. Yes, you can die on the inside while you are alive.

To die on the inside while you are alive means to get attached to the forgiveness you give to man, without allowing him the luxury of getting close to what fulfills you.

Empire of the soul is an emanation of your own personality - a personality that supports both the ups and downs of life and has every chance to live the joy of fulfillment, satisfaction, success; or a person who forgets their roots and who destroys their credibility and ability to generate hope to others.

The empire of soul tends to crumble in many harmful "pieces" if you are not at peace with yourself, with your own consciousness with your past, your accomplishments, and especially with those near you. Enter within your own being within, look at you face to face and see if you can find a friend to whom you can shake hands with joy.

Conclusion: We are what we are and what we have created over time connected with us- concerning our conceptions in thinking and action, our feelings and our education.

We have created an "empire of the soul" that is unique in its own way, but may be permanently reshuffled in a more or less proportion, this depending strictly on ourselves. To make the best decisions we have to dive into this empire of our own being that is within ourselves, and after a proper analysis to take action.

* Note: Alexandre Dumas - The count of Monte Cristo , Youth Publishing House, 1957.

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